Jerry Nboyine

Savanna Agricultural Research Institute (CSIR-SARI)

Dr. Jerry Asalma Nboyine is a Senior Research Scientist and Entomologist at CSIR – Savanna Agricultural Research Institute (CSIR-SARI) in Nyankpala, Ghana. With a PhD in Ecology, an MPhil in Entomology, and a BSc in Agriculture, Dr. Nboyine has over 13 years of experience in pest management and research on genetically modified (GM) crops. He led the team that secured Ghana’s first environmental release permit for a GM cowpea.

Dr. Nboyine specializes in pest ecology, habitat manipulation, biological pest control, and agroecological pest management strategies. He has developed environmentally friendly pest management strategies for crops like cowpea, soybean, sorghum, maize, cotton and mango.

He also participates in national consultative meetings to develop pest management materials for Agricultural Extension Agents. Dr. Nboyine is a recipient of the Africa Science and Technology Fellowship on Data Transportability.