Dr. Jean Baptiste Tignegre
African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF)
Dr. Jean Baptiste is the regional representative for West Africa at the African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF). He has worked as a plant breeder and geneticist across the cowpea value chain for over 25 years, in different capacities across West Africa, among them the Institute for Environment and Agricultural Research in Burkina Faso, and at the Plant Genetics for Cowpea in Burkina Faso.
Jean Baptiste holds a PhD in Plant Breeding from the University of KwaZulu in the Republic of South Africa, an M. Sc in Plant Biology and Ecology from University of Ouagadougou, an MSc in Rural Development Engineering (Major in Agricultural Sciences) from University of Ouagadougou and a B.Sc. Rural Development technical Sciences Engineering (Major in Agricultural Sciences) from the University of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso.